Ayu Andrila Utami, the initiator and founder of the “SendokGarpu” catering and event designer, is an Indonesian entrepreneur living in Zurich who missed her home country cuisine
so much and found herself struggling to find options in Switzerland.
Growing up, food was always a strong part of Ayu’s family life. She decided to further explore her culinary talent and put together with her Swiss Hotel Management School
expertise, she succeeded in creating authentic and flavourful Indonesian cuisine far away from home.
Not limited to Indonesian cuisine, Ayu is also a chef in one of the famous Asian restaurants in Zurich. She grew up in a diverse family and has travelled to many countries. Her
love for cooking really blossomed as she learned from different cultures. She loves to share her cooking knowledge and is always the happiest when talking about food.
Passionate about Indonesian food and culture, Ayu designed beautiful events where she shared this passion with others in Zurich. Examples are the Rijstafel Night, Street Food
Affair, Pasar, Balinese Night, and the latest cooking event, Spice Up Your Food. The very successful collaboration projects: “Soy and Synth” and “Bal-i-stanbul” highlighted the
Food Zurich event festival last year.